Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Eye Candy

As requested by some of you guys. Well, here you go. Some old stuff yet fun to play with. She's my original character and urm... yeah you can change her iris colors, clothes, mouth expressions and the background color. I also gave her a new dress to suit the chinese new year theme.

哈哈... 因友人要求,又把我一些旧东西弄了上来. 为配合华人农历新年,我为她添加了一件旗袍.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Do you remember Macross?

Adding a little something to this blog to spice things up a little. Well, it's still a work in progress.Click here for the animation. Well, do you remember Macross? Enjoy.
You will need to have Adobe Flash player 8 and above installed in your pc to view this animation. Dont worry about the quality, this animation will run very smooth regardless of your pc's specs.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Renewed Faith

I've started this blog after being inspired by a few friends of mine. I was thinking that it would be cool if I have my own blog, I could use it as my portfolio too!

So, here I am, writing this first post of my blog. Back before I've started this blog, I mean back at 2007; I'm very proud and arrogant of my personal achievements. On December 2007, everything changed. It was a disaster caused by my own arrogant attitude. I felt that it was like the end of my world until i read one of my old friend's blog. For a moment I thought that we are quite similar in some ways. So, I've started this blog hoping that I could change my attitude and find my path again. Finally, i would like to use this opportunity thank my old friend ------ Jor.

在开始这个部落格之前,我一向以为我很强.所以我也因此对我自己的成就自大傲慢起来,开始目中无人;结果2007年尾我一败涂地.当时的我可说是很失落,觉得自己很无能.我伤心了一段日子直到我看了我一位老朋友的部落格.我觉得我们很相似,所以我收拾好心情开始了这个部落格.希望能通过这个部落格纠正我之前所犯的错误.最后,我要在这里谢谢我这位老友 ------ Jor.